adult thoughtful writer creating new article

Planning a Story from Idea to Page

Every writer plans before they write, even the so-called “pantsers.” Some just plan more than others. However, before we begin writing, we all start with an idea that has begun to unfurl itself into something larger within us. As a planner, I then spend a lot of time with that idea and poke at the various tendrils to see the different directions it can go. I don’t plan every little detail, but I have a Read more…

bored formal man watching laptop at desk

The Longest Days: Waiting for Responses to Submissions from Literary Journals

I have never been a patient person. It’s just a virtue I lack. Which means that the oftentimes months long wait to hear back regarding my short story submissions is excruciating. I know I’m not the only one, even though we all strive to appear stoic. I assume that most of you are just as anxious as I am underneath that calm collected façade. So how do we deal with the wait? Get Organized Firstly, Read more…

person holding white scroll

Is a degree in Creative Writing worth it?

This is probably one of the most frequent questions I get when people find out that I got my B.A. in Creative Writing from Arizona State University. And the answer is the same as it is for most questions about writing: it depends. For me, it was absolutely worth it, and I think it would be worth it for most people, with a few caveats. First, let’s talk money. Ignoring the bat-shit crazy cost of Read more…

Why I Am Blogging (aka Why you should bother reading my sh*t.)

Disclaimer: The saying “swears like a sailor” exists for a reason. There will be profanity on this blog, but I will endeavor to use less than 3 f-bombs per post – unless I’m feeling particularly piqued that day. If that’s not your cup of tea, then I’m not your poison. (Stay tuned for my rant on mixed metaphors and why I love them.) I know what you’re thinking: Oh, great, another blogger. At least, that’s Read more…